I Filmed this Today; I’m not Sure What It Will Become But So What?

M. Francis Enright
3 min readJun 5, 2022


I, along with four young people, a cameraman and a producer filmed an idea that I got from one of my students. She, an 11th grader, mentioned that her Driver’s Education instructor told her that he only does Driver’s Ed to get out of the house and away from his wife. I got to thinking that that is a really funny and interesting premise for a short film or maybe a series.

Below is one of the segments we filmed. It was a test to see how it would play out. The wholething only took about three hours and really didn't cost much of anything. For right now, we will chop it up into small pieces and post them to social media as a series. In the long run maybe a short film and/or a series on You Tube or some other platform. However, if I want to do it as a short or a series I will need to find some sort of story for the main character. Or maybe not. Maybe he can just be who he is.

The script wasn’t perfect. I had never met the actors or the cameraman before. I didn’t know how it would turn out. But the shoot went great. And it is just such a pleasure to create something.

Driver’s Ed

Written by
Matthew Kerr


TEDDY, A SIXTEEN YEAR OLD MALE, sits in the driver’s seat of a car. He is having his driving lesson and is somewhat nervous. He is texting on his phone which he puts away when a man gets in.

BRIAN STIGLITZ, A MAN IN HIS LATE FORTIES, gets into the car. He holds a clipboard and a cup of coffee.


Hey, there. Freddy.

It’s Teddy, actually.

Righto. Okay, so we’re gonna pull out into traffic, so just watch over your left shoulder there. Just ease on out.

Teddy starts to ease out. Brian jerks suddenly and car jolts to a stop.

Wait. Close your eyes. We are going to see ourselves driving within the posted speed limit at all times and coming to a full stop when required. We are going to see it, and then we are going to actualize it.

He and Teddy sit with their eyes closed.


Are you seeing it?


Uh, yes.



You know, I read this morning that our faces are covered in like thousands of mites, these microscopic bugs? Like right now! Jesus, think about that.

They sit and think about that.

So, let’s just ease on out into traffic here, check your over your left shoulder.

Teddy commences driving.

You know, I only really do this driver’s ed thing to get out of the house and away from my wife



Yeah. That marriage went south in a big hurry.

How long have you been married?

I dunno. Seems like forever. Take a right at the light.

Watch out for the potholes. Watch out for the potholes. Life is full of potholes. You ever have the feeling that your kids think you’re a total failure?

Well, I’m sixteen. So…not really?




M. Francis Enright

Co-creator and cohost of The Working Experience Podcast. We explore what people do for work, how they do it and how they feel about it. Twice a week!